Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lipstick vs. lip gloss

What do you think of when I say lipstick? Do you picture a glamorous icon such as Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe fashioning a sexy set of red lips? Would your view change if I were to suddenly say lip gloss? There are many differences between lipstick and lip gloss you might not be aware of. 

Lipstick tends to be more drying, where as lip gloss has a moisturizing effect. Lipstick can be more of a process since your able to create many different looks, and depending on the shade you may need to touch it up more often. Lip gloss on the other hand is not as demanding. Yes, you need to do the occasional touch up but the setting process of lip gloss doesn't require as many tools or steps.

 One major difference between lipstick and lip gloss is that lipstick can get dry overtime and lip gloss has the ability to stay moist on your lips. Lipstick is waxy and has a matte effect. Although lipstick does contain some oils it can dry out your lips.

 The oils in lipstick are actually absorbed by your lips making them become dry. The long lasting lipsticks that are on the market now and days have less of the oils in them making them seem like a better product but in the end are still a little drying. You can determine for yourself if the long lasting lipsticks are for you, usually all of them come with an overcoat to try to seal in the moisture.

 Lipstick can tend to crack during wear. Using a lip balm underneath can limit if not stop this effect. Lip gloss doesn't dry out your lips because it contains moisturizing agents. Lip gloss is not waxy like lipstick, nor do you lips absorb as many of the oils. Lip gloss sits on top of your lips rather than staining them that's why lip gloss is so easy to remove.

 Lip gloss contains cocoa butter. Cocoa butter retains moisture well and applies smoothly to your lips, thus creating a moisturizing barrier. Aloe Vera is also contained in lip gloss and is well known for its moisturizing capabilities that make up a big percent of the lip gloss product. 

The application process of lipstick is more of a process and more time consuming then the application of lip gloss. You can create many looks with lipstick. You can apply a color over another to create your own look and use an array of lip liners. You certainly couldn't apply a gloss over another gloss or you lips would look like a skating rink. When applying lipstick you can use many tools to create a perfect pair of kissers. 

Applying a little foundation to the outer of your lips and adding a little translucent powder sets lipstick well. When wearing a darker shade of lipstick be aware that touch ups may be necessary, especially when wearing red. Lip gloss is not a waxy product and does not require as many steps.

 Lip gloss has less pigment than lipstick. When using a lip liner with lip gloss make sure to use a lip gloss liner, this will prevent the color from or leaving a dark trace around your lips. There always is the occasional touch ups with lip gloss because of its sticky nature. Many women choose the extra step of applying lip plumper to their lips to make them more full. However, lip gloss gives you a natural looking pout and can make your lips appear larger.
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Lip gloss is a product used primarily to give lips a glossy lustre and sometimes subtle color. It is distributed as a liquid or a soft solid (not to be confused with lip balm, which generally has medicinal or soothing purposes). It can be completely clear, translucent, or various shades of opacity, including frosted, glittered, glassy, and metallic finishes

Lipstick , Benefit of lipstick , Girls lip gloss , Lipstick brands , Beauty lip gloss 2012

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